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Welcome to the King County District Court Juror Portal Survey
Your input matters to us!
In our effort to meet the Washington State Legislature's requirement to collect demographic data on individuals who are summoned for jury duty (RCW 2.36.180), King County District Court and the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts are inviting you to participate in a short, online survey. It should take participants no more than 5 minutes to complete it. Participation is completely voluntary, and you may decline to answer any question or stop at any point. We hope to use this information to better understand demographic trends or changes in jury service over time.
If you completed this survey in 2024 or earlier, please consider filling it out again because data are reported annually.
We are not collecting any personal identifiers like your name or IP address which means that your answers to the questions in this survey are anonymous.
Please direct any questions about jury service in general (such as postponement or excusal) to your local court. Thank you!
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